Volume Under Intersecting DTM

Create a volume that is the difference between 2 fully-intersecting surfaces

Volume under Intersecting DTM

To access this dialog:

Creates a closed wireframe which surrounds the volume underneath the "Upper DTM" and above the "Lower DTM". The DTMs do not need to intersect, and any open edges will be filled in with vertical sides (similar to wireframe-surface-merge).

This dialog runs the wireframe-under-surface-intersecting command.

This command assumes that surfaces are fully intersecting (i.e. the intersection line is fully closed) as no checks will be made to assess this. This makes it a more rapid command to use when you have high confidence that input objects intersect each other fully. If not, unexpected results may occur. If you would like Studio to check if your surfaces are fully-intersecting, and extend surfaces if required, use wireframe-under-surface-intersecting instead.

Once your objects have been selected (using the drop-down lists or picker tools), click OK to generate a volume.

Note: This command supports flexible wireframe selection.

Field Details:

This dialog contains the following fields:

Upper DTM: the open surface representing the 'top' of the resulting volume. You can choose an object using the drop down list or choose to use Selected triangles, in which case, Store current selection will commit the current selection to the command.

Lower DTM: the open surface representing the 'bottom' of the resulting volume. You can choose an object using the drop down list or using triangles (again, using Store current selection) to commit the currently selected triangles to the command.

Output: you can output the calculated closed volume either within the Current object, an existing wireframe object (pick it from the list) or a new object (type a new name).

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Wireframe Volume under DTM DialogSelecting Wireframe Data